News @ Gran Pamir * September 2000

Site of the Week - 11.09

Oops...! She did it again!!11.06.2000

Yeah, she did it again! What a return! "Amanda" has been at her second (for the first one, see below) show after 6 months at home (at her last show became Int Ch) to get her second and last (12th) CAC for the San Marino title and became SAN MARINO CHAMPION! She also got her 6th CACIB there. "Samir" was RCACIB as well. 


The week before "Amanda" was shown at her first show after 6 months and conquered her 11th CAC, BOB and later was BIG-3. "Buzz" conquered his second win out of his second show after he moved,  getting CAC and ending up as BOS to his litter sister.



Faxe's return - 4.06

"Faxe" hasn't been showing at allbreeds shows for a year and her last allbreeds show was in June '99. During this year she has only been showing at specialty shows collecting some good wins at her credit. Today she made her return winning CAC BOB and later BIG-2. "Fabio" was shown too, his 4th show, and conquered his first CAC and ended up being Best Opposite Sex to Faxe.


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